Sunday, June 12, 2011

Debunking Some Start-up & Software Myths

I saw a great article by Tim Ferriss quoting Rob Mee of Pivotal Labs thanks to someone I follow on Twitter, and thought I should mention it here. It's rare that I read an article on a topic like this and agree with it 100%, but it happened in this case. I encourage you to check out the post itself, but in order to whet your appetite, here are the 7 Myths he describes:
  1. You have to hire "ninjas."
  2. Programmers need to work in quiet, without interruption.
  3. Start-ups run hot, so we're just gonna have to burn everyone out.
  4. Looming deadlines necessitate shortcuts.
  5. Developers should take ownership of their code.
  6. You need a quirky hiring process.
  7. Specialization is essential.
As I say, it's a very good read and excellent food for thought!

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